Senin, 19 November 2007

Mission : TFI 2007 - Rapat Juri

Kali ini dimeja kerjaku sedang dijalankan tugas besar akhir tahun. Tugas ini bertajuk TFI, adalah singkatan dari Tokoh Finansial Indonesia. Tahun ini adalah tahun ke-4 pemilihan Tokoh terbaik dalam industri Perbankan, Asuransi, Multifinance, Sekuritas dan Emiten.

Seperti biasa sebelum dihasilkan seorang tokoh maka akan melalui proses yang cukup melelahkan. Karena aku dan tim ku harus mempersiapkan data kinerja dari perusahaan yang direkturnya akan dinominasikan sebagai Tokoh. Sampai saat ini telah dilalui dua proses awal yaitu :

  1. Mengambil perusahaan terbaik dari Rating yang telah dihasilkan untuk disertakan dalam perhitungan "Achievement dan Improvement ROA dan ROE".
  2. Proses Angket untuk memilih Nominasi Tokoh Finansial.

Sebagai puncak dari proses ini akan dilakukan Interviu oleh Tim Juri TFI untuk menentukan Sang Tokoh. Tentunya acara ini terus di back up tim aku dikantor. Salah satunya adalah data kinerja dan CV nominasi harus disiapkan. Thank God, sebagian data pendukung untuk interviu telah diselesaikan. Cukup melelahkan.

Semoga acara ini bisa berjalan lancar.

Minggu, 18 November 2007

Oprah Winfrey Philosophy

My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life,
but doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place
for the next moment.
(Oprah Winfrey)

Gang Brutality in Bandung

Recent day, news about gang brutality in Bandung is rapidly showed in television. A few youth or teenagers show their anarchies attitude. They are so brutal attack innocent people with out warning using brick or baseball stick. This action already take some death toll, especially the toll is come from the other gang member.

What is a gang? According to, a gang is a group of individuals who through the organization, formation, and establishment of an assemblage share a common identity.
Gang generally carries a negative connotation, however, within a gang, which defines it in opposition to mainstream norms, members may adopt the phrase as a statement of identity or defiance.

Gang activities are not restricted to typical organized crime groups, but may be associated with a general class of behaviour in which collective action and support of communal interests and goals serves to achieve social cohesion or solidarity "especially in gangs, cults, unions, political parties or movements, and religious sects."

Motor Gangs in Bandung

At the beginning, motor gang in Bandung is only a bunch of teenagers with same hobbies to speedy in the street every night and day. They create a motor race in Public Street. But now day, motor gangs begin to annoying people, because of their attitude in the street getting brutal and more.

Every gang have their own territory, which restricted for another gangs to enter.
There are four major Gangs in Bandung:
1. XTC - (Exalt to Coitus)
2. GBR - Grab on Road
3. Briges - Brigadiers Seven
4. Moonraker

Their ideology is almost the same, to create members with bad attitude maybe evil attitude.
Usually their members come from the pupil of Junior High School and Senior
High School all over Bandung.

Minggu, 11 November 2007

Time to Take The Risk; Time to Change

I got burden in number as usual; finish one mission come another assignment to complete.
It is one of the objects that carry me to a bad mood condition.
Especially last week I feel my mood is down.
I can’t think about the problems that happen in my weekday with a clear vision.
I was push down in to a hard time.

I get angers, I get mad, I get confuse, I get worry.
This why I'm filling that I was failure in my weekday.

But to day is time for me to accept failure as a possibility, set high goals, branch out, try some thing new, take the risk.

Tomorrow will be the day that will influence to the rest of my live, prepared to change.

Failure on Rosalynn Carter Views

If you don't accept failure as a possibility, You don't set high goals, You don't branch out, You don't try, You don't take the risk.
(Rosalynn Carter)

Jumat, 09 November 2007

Be A Businessman Not an Employee for Ever

A man to carry on a succsessful business must have imagination. He must see things as in a vision, a dream of a whole thing.
(Charles Schwab)

Today my age is 28 years and 303 days old. As I grow up, my desire "to have" is larger than before. I think it's time for me to consider about running a business.

To be an employee its take to much energy. I mean its spending more time to work for other prosperity. Its time to create my own prosperity.

Come on be a business man! But what is a business man is?

I will be called as a Business man if:
* I making money frome trading something other than my working time.
* I spending money with the clear expectation of making money (it's investment or instalment money).
* I keep my business finances separate from my personal finances.
* I organized like a business.
* I act the business man, it is an "as if" technique.
* I have a written plan (or set of goals) for making money.

I'm Not a Business but an Employee if:
* I "work" (trade time) for a living.
* I buy stuff because I like it, I need it for support my live, not because I think others will buy it.
* All my money goes through a single account, regardless of where itcame from or where it's going.
* I have no organization.

Jumat, 02 November 2007

Worry in Catherine Pulsifer Views

Rather than sitting and worrying, do something, anything.
Worrying is a waste of time.
(Catherine Pulsifer)